Dnes se to opět stalo. Už mám tedy dvě gumy, Michelinku i Bridgestonku.
Washek jako vždy umí potěšit, až člověku srdéčko zaplesá.
Hele ucho, dneska je docela blbej den, co? Přesto přeji všechno nej i od lenky… už jsi velký kluk a můžem si tykat
Před chvílí jsem se byl dívat na Sokotrans Cupu, kde se desetkrát vyjíždí pod obávanou Astorií. Trať docela dobrá, ale ne pro takový zevly :mrgreen: .
Do zhodnocení uplynulého roku se radši nebudu pouštět, ještě by na mě zase vlezla nějaká chandra a to bych se pak musel napít vodečky a to by mi neudělalo dobře na žlučník. Raději pohlédněme dopředu. Příští rok možná budu hrát hokej. Určitě ho budou hrát pětačtyřicetiletý nejstarší hráč v lize Chris Chelios a dvaačtyřicetiletý druhý nejstarší hráč v lize Dominik Hašek.
Ale teď už radši přenechám slovo googlismu:
june 30 is the deadline
june 30 is cyrix deathline
june 30 is named alaska salmon day
june 30 is the last day farmers
june 30 is cyrix deathline posted 6/14/99 news june 30
june 30 is the last day of the second 1999 fund
june 30 is the 181st day of the year
june 30 is open to guests
june 30 is not recognized until the following fiscal year
june 30 is under $100 million
june 30 is less
june 30 is now closed
june 30 is on an individual account total basis
june 30 is named alaska salmon day for the juneau empire
june 30 is augusta prca rodeo; july 30
june 30 is quickly approaching
june 30 is the final day of the advocates for self
june 30 is
june 30 is $1632
june 30 is the deadline for renewing locker rentals at the veale center
june 30 is key date for cta
june 30 is determined by the number of paid members on the april semiannual report and any new
june 30 is not that far away
june 30 is $2
june 30 is estimated
june 30 is $166
june 30 is designed to teach citizens who are interested
june 30 is expected to decrease for the remainder of the year
june 30 is not the post
june 30 is $3
june 30 is 37
june 30 is 65
june 30 is the end of dungeness
june 30 is looming
june 30 is $70
june 30 is $45
june 30 is approximately $130 million
june 30 is devoted to excursions to moscow and other places
june 30 is 38
june 30 is $215
june 30 is the deadline for submitting applications for service and education fund grants for study at a christian college or university during
june 30 is the final date for submission of revisions
june 30 is armed forces day in guatemala
june 30 is usually minor
june 30 is as follows
june 30 is the end of a filing period for the federal elections commission and soon we will be reporting what we have raised in this last
june 30 is the deadline for fundamental changes to health insurance which force every adult to think seriously about health cover
june 30 is subject to specified penalties and the commissioner may order the insurer to
june 30 is the 184th school day required for calendar purposes
june 30 is mentioned most often
june 30 is estimated at 4
june 30 is $800 per booth
june 30 is the end of the school year for the 0ffice of pie record keeping
june 30 is 2
june 30 is the due date
june 30 is earlier
june 30 is the registration deadline
june 30 is a new exhibit featuring three kinds of endangered cranes including the whooping cranes
june 30 is the deadline to register for the conference
june 30 is due in the cashier’s office by noon on monday
june 30 is the final date for submitting papers for presenation at the iufro session
june 30 is entered
june 30 is emeritus dean
june 30 is also the baptism of ramsey lewand
june 30 is $15
june 30 is posted for general assembly candidates
june 30 is outlined below
june 30 is required in accordance with section 74 of the employment standards act which allows an employee to file a complaint within 6 month after
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